
Thursday, October 31, 2013

“Pray without ceasing”

How many of you love to pray?

Have you ever prayed for something, like for a job, or for someone that was sick, or someone that did not know God?

In the past I have not prayed like I should have!!

I mean, I prayed for my food, I prayed before I read my Bible, but I feel like I did not pray for others like I should.

When I was about 13, I had a Honda 80 dirt bike, and this thing did not like to start!!!
One day I was trying to start it, and it was not starting, I must have tried to start it a million times, I was about to give up when the thought came to my mind to pray, so I got down and prayed about it, at the end of my prayer, I tried to start it and it started the first try!

After that, I knew that God was there, and He did hear me when I prayed to him!

Have you ever been impressed to pray for someone?
What is amazing is, when all of the sudden, you are impressed to pray for someone, and later you hear that at the same time when you were impressed to pray, they hade a heart attack or something!

In 1 Thessalonians 5-17 it says. Pray without ceasing.

Pr Ch.9
We do not pray any too much.

Wow, I think we need to be praying more!!

How many of you have prayed all night? I haven’t.

“While engaged in our daily work, we should lift the soul to Heaven in prayer. These silent petitions rise like incense before the throne of grace; and he enemy is baffled. The Christian whose heart is thus stayed upon God cannot be overcome. No evil arts can destroy his peace. All the promises of God’s word, all the power of divine grace, all the resources of Jehovah, are pledged to secure his deliverance. It was thus that Enoch walked with God. And God was with him, a present help in every time of need… Prayer is the breath of the soul. It is the secret of spiritual power.” –‘Messages to young people’, pg. 249.

We need to pray for one another more than we do!!

I feel like I need to pray for people more than I do!

How do you feel, when you know that people are praying for you?
How do you feel when someone prays with you!

How often do we try to do things on our own, with out God?
I think I do it a lot.
If we would take it to God, we would not cost our self so much time, and trouble!

I don’t know about you, but I feel like I need to pray for others more than I do!

Wouldn’t it be good if we would all pray for one another?

This old world is not an easy place to live; we need to pray that we will stay close to Jesus!

“Pray without ceasing”


  1. Yes, indeed, prayer moves mountains, because it brings God into the midst of us, and He does the heavy lifting.

    1. That is so true!! With God all thing are possible.
