What does it mean to be a missionary?
Does it mean that I can just sit at home and just
live life as I always have or does it mean that I need to
fight for the lives of others?
What did Jesus mean when he said, 'go ye into all the
world and preach the gospel', what did that mean?
Doss it mean that I can go to the mall and to the
theater and to over eat on sabbath and to play video games sabbath
night and then Sunday to go to work and just live life for what I can
Or does it mean that I need to FIGHT?
Yes fight for those that don't know Jesus!!
Lord what are we doing? We are wasting time on
worldly pleasure seeking things!
'Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye did it not to
one of the least of these, ye did it not to me'.
Who will go for the kids in India or Thailand or the
homeless man in New york?
Do I need to go or will some other people go?
Yes, me, I need to go! God has called me to go to all
the world to tell other about Him and His love!
What about you? Are you doing what God has called you
to do for Him?
Let us say here I am Lord, send me?
Its not easy to follow Jesus its hard but its
satisfying to work for Jesus!
For to me to live is Christ to die is gain!
When will I (we) go to save souls for Jesus?
Its up to us how long we are here. Jesus is waiting
for us to go to work?
How long will we wait?
Amen, Brother! That's exactly what we need to be doing! Thanks for telling the truth!